This month my friends and I went apple and pumpkin picking at Riamede Farms in New Jersey. I made loads of treats with the pumpkin meat, but what did I do with all the pumpkin seeds? I certainly wouldn’t discard those little nutrition packed crunchy bites containing phytosterols to help reduce your ‘bad’ cholesterol, protein such as the amino acid tryptophan that will help you get a good night’s rest, and many other vitamins and minerals (vitamin E, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, potassium, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, copper and manganese) that act as antioxidants, build up your immune system, produce energy, maintain the nervous system, brain, heart and cells, and promote teeth and bone health! Check out my recipes for Roasted & Seasoned Pumpkin Seeds. These are just a few ways to prepare them. Toss onto your salads, soups, pastas, yogurt, porridge...basically anything and enjoy!
Maxine Yeung